Gain Procedural Confidence
Online Education
Device overview
In-Person Training
Didactic and hands-on device training
Procedural Proficiency
A series of case days and ongoing education
Implement IPSS
In recent years, the AUA BPH Guidelines have emphasized the need for shared decision-making in the management of BPH.
Initial patient evaluation is a critical step in the diagnosis and treatment of BPH. A thorough evaluation includes medical history, physical examination, urinalysis and the IPSS.2
The AUA Guidelines recommend utilizing IPSS surveys both during initial and follow-up evaluation for BPH, and identify the score as critical to determining the need for and type of therapy.2
The UroLift™ System prostatic urethral lift procedure can be performed under local anesthesia in office, ambulatory surgical center and outpatient hospital settings.
The UroLift™ System is covered by Medicare and all major private payers nationwide; it is a minimally invasive BPH procedure that has a 0-day global period.