It’s Movember, are enlarged prostate symptoms affecting your partner?
Many men over the age of 50 experience sleepless nights due to the frequent need to urinate. Does this sound familiar? Are you disrupting your partner’s sleep with regular trips to the bathroom? You may be suffering from BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia), often known as enlarged prostate, and what better time to start the conversation than Movember.
Movember is a charitable campaign held annually in November to bring difficult conversations about men’s health and wellness to the forefront. While the charity focused initially on prostate cancer, it has expanded its mission in recent years to include awareness-building efforts around a number of men’s health issues.
There are many treatment options available for men who suffer from BPH. Prescription medication is often a first-in-line approach recommended by urologists — as well as medical procedures. However, it is important to know the potential risks associated with the use of medication and more invasive procedures
Along with traditional treatment options, there have been many advancements in the field of urology. The UroLift® System is a proven treatment for enlarged prostate and the Prostatic Urethral Lift procedure (using the UroLift System) has been recommended by the American Urological Association.